玩家评分: 7.2

巨人之战 2
Clash of Giants II: 1st Ypres & Galicia 1914

桌游极客排名: 4790

本月排名变化: 35

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 1 - 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 300 分钟

难度: 2.37 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.72



出版年份: 2006


| GMT Games


| Ted Raicer


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Leland Myrick | Mark Simonitch


|战争 |一战

巨人II的冲突:加利西亚和第一Ypres的运动是巨人冲突的续集,涵盖了Tannenberg和马恩的运动。与其前身一样,“巨人之战II”(Clash of Giants II)根据相同的规则包含两个独立的游戏。


巨人之战II: 1914年的加利西亚和第一Ypres的运动是Ted Raicer着名的“巨人之战”:1914年Tannenberg和马恩战役的续集。与原始设计一样,CoG II包含两个单独的游戏(均使用相同的基本系统),涵盖两个第一次世界大战中最有趣(最少命名)的运动,加利西亚和第一Ypres。

加利西亚1914年在俄罗斯沙皇和哈布斯堡奥地利匈牙利的军队进行了一场200英里前线的凶猛斗争。奥地利司令康拉德将军拒绝等待他的第二支军队的入场,该部队最初部署到塞尔维亚阵线,然后进入攻势。奥地利的攻击于8月19日开始,康拉德的第一和第四军队在奥地利左翼攻打了沙皇右派的俄罗斯第四和第五军。奥地利人在这个侧翼上超过了俄罗斯人,最初把他们赶回去,康拉德开始梦想着整个俄罗斯军队。但由于两架俄罗斯军队(第3和第8名)击败了奥地利的Lemberg(Lvov)3号东部,奥地利第2军的缺席给俄罗斯队带来了更大的数值优势。康拉德的军队很快就有被切断和毁灭的危险。这次竞选是奥地利匈牙利的一场灾难,但结果却是对俄罗斯人造成的一个致命的不成功的胜利。“第一个Ypres游戏是第一场覆盖”竞赛“高潮的游戏。到海“在西方阵线上,在马恩的盟军胜利结束之后。到10月8日,双方持续的双向企图几乎达到了英吉利海峡。发生了大规模的会议参与,德国人首先试图在阿贝维尔方向发动围绕盟军北翼的大规模骑兵袭击。当这件事(由于法国步兵部队及时到达)时,法国和英国人开始了自己的进攻,一路开车到德国边界。但盟军的攻击很快就跑进了第六军的德军,从阿尔萨斯 - 洛林赶到了北方。德国司令Falkenhayn现在打算打他的王牌,用四名新筹备的训练有素但有热情的志愿者的后备队打BEF。在一个月的英国失去6万人的残酷斗争中,德国人失去了十万多人。 Falkenhayn没有意识到BEF已经流血白痴,而且在11月中旬被打死了。在圣诞节结束战争的企图已经结束了。

Clash of Giants II: The Campaigns of Galicia and First Ypres, 1914 is the sequel to Ted Raicer's acclaimed Clash of Giants: Campaigns of Tannenberg and the Marne, 1914. As with the original design, CoG II contains two separate games (both using the same basic system) covering two of the most interesting (and least-gamed) campaigns of the First World War, Galicia and First Ypres . Galicia 1914 pitted the armies of Tsarist Russia and Habsburg Austria-Hungary in a ferocious struggle along a 200 mile front. The Austrian commander, General Conrad, refused to wait for the arrival of his 2nd Army, which had been initially deployed to the Serbian front, before going onto the offensive. The Austrian attack began on 19 August, with Conrad's 1st and 4th Armies on the Austrian left flank striking the Russian 4th and 5th Armies on the Tsarist right. The Austrians outnumbered the Russians on this flank, and initially drove them back, and Conrad began to dream of pocketing the entire Russian army group. But the absence of the Austrian 2nd Army gave the Russians an even greater numerical advantage on the opposite flank, as two Russian armies (the 3rd and 8th) struck the Austrian 3rd east of Lemberg (Lvov). Soon it was Conrad's armies that were in danger of being cut off and destroyed. The campaign was a catastrophe for Austria-Hungary, but in the end the result was a fatally incomplete victory for the Russians. The First Ypres game is the first game to cover the climax of the "Race to the Sea" on the Western Front that followed the inconclusive Allied victory at the Marne. By 8 October the continued outflanking attempts by both sides had nearly reached the English Channel. A massive meeting engagement developed, with the Germans first attempting to launch a massive cavalry raid around the Allied northern flank in the direction of Abbeville. When this fizzled (due to the timely arrival of a French infantry corps), the French and British began their own offensive aimed at driving all the way to the German border. But the Allied attack quickly ran into German troops of the 6th Army, hurried north from Alsace-Lorraine. Falkenhayn, the German commander, now planned to play his trump card, striking the BEF with four newly-raised reserve corps of hurriedly-trained but enthusiastic volunteers. In a month of brutal struggle in which the British lost 60,000 men, the Germans lost well over 100,000. Not realizing that the BEF had been bled white and was on the point of breaking, Falkenhayn called off his attacks in mid-November. The attempts to end the war by Christmas were over. Clash of Giants II uses a slightly modified version of the original system to model these dynamic and closely balanced contests. As in Clash of Giants, the game emphasizes the difficulty of commanding groups of armies, with a system where movement allowance for each army is separately determined by a command roll. But CoGII adds an interactive random chit-pull activation sequence, so that neither player knows which of his commands will move next. Each player has only one combat phase per turn, which he may declare at the end of any one of his command activations, but which covers the entire map. This leads to many difficult game decisions: "Do I declare combat now, with only part of my forces in position to attack, or wait hoping to get more units into the line, but risking the enemy either pulling back or striking first?" Once combat is declared, CoGII uses the unique combat system so popular in Tannenberg and Marne, in which a unit's training, equipment, and morale are factored into a Tactical Effiency Rating that often counts more than mere numbers. Galicia 1914 includes a corps/division OB and a map scaled at 9 miles to the hex that covers the entire front from Krakow to the Romanian border. The victory conditions force the Austrian player to attack initially in order to gain enough VPs to survive the strong Russian offensive certain to follow. Galicia features special rules for the great Austrian fortress of Przemysl, Russian cavalry replacements, rail supply, Offensive Support Markers (representing heavy artillery and the logistical and command preparations of a major assault), and the arrival of the Austrian 2nd Army. The OB for First Ypres is at division level (with the odd brigade). The map scale is 3.3 miles to the hex, from Lens in the south to the English Channel. Special rules include Offensive Support Markers, the Belgian retreat onto the map from Antwerp, flooding the Yser River line, French and German cavalry replacements, unknown Tactical Efficiency Ratings for the German New Reserve Corps, and British tenacity (represented by remnant counters). Victory goes to the player who controls 5 of the 9 victory hexes at the end of the game, and the game is sometimes decided on the final combat roll by a last-ditch attack or defense of a single key hex. Components One 22" x 34" backprinted game map Two 8.5 x 11 Player Aid Cards Two 5/8" Countersheets Two Six-sided Dice (from GMT Games website)