玩家评分: 6.7

BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia

桌游极客排名: 2984

本月排名变化: 16

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60-90 分钟

难度: 2.9 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.93



出版年份: 2013


| Plaid Hat Games


| Isaac Vega


| JJ Ariosa | Pavel Guzenko | Peter Wocken


|战斗 |模型 |电子游戏改编

在BioShock无限:围攻哥伦比亚,玩家将扮演创始人或Vox Populi的角色,并将建立起一支军队,以控制哥伦比亚地区为基础,完成重要目标。同时,他们将利用其影响力来摆脱出现的各种事件。他们还会发现自己不得不面对在哥伦比亚周围奔跑的布克和伊丽莎白,造成了巨大的破坏。“游戏中有玩家相互对抗,从彼此的鼻子窃取目标,暗杀领导者,摧毁堡垒,相互竞争控制展开事件等。第一派取胜10胜。因为只有两个派系,这个游戏可以由两个玩家以头对头的格式玩,或者由四个玩家在两队中配对。

In BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia, players will play as either the Founders or the Vox Populi and will build up an army to fight for control of Columbia by taking ground and completing important objectives. At the same time, they'll be using their influence to sway various events that arise. They'll also find themselves having to deal with Booker and Elizabeth, who are running around Columbia creating havoc. The game has players combating one another, stealing objectives from under each other's noses, assassinating leaders, destroying strongholds, bidding against each other for control of unfolding events, and more. The first faction to 10 victory points wins. Because there are only two factions, the game can be played by two players in a head-to-head format, or by four players paired off in two teams.