玩家评分: 7.1

Cockroach Poker Royal

桌游极客排名: 1158

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 15-25 分钟

难度: 1.12 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.50



出版年份: 2012


| 999 Games | Black Sea Puzzles | Devir


| Jacques Zeimet


| Rolf Vogt


|哄骗 |卡牌游戏

与其父母游戏Kakerlakenpoker一样,Kakerlakenpoker Royal与扑克&ndash无关;除了游戏是关于诈唬,但卡片显示蟑螂,老鼠和臭臭,而不是皇后,10秒和ace。要设置游戏,洗牌,将牌交给玩家。一回合,一名玩家从他手中拿出一张牌,将其面朝下放在桌子上,将其滑到他选择的玩家身上,并宣布一种类型的小动物,例如“臭臭”。接收卡的播放器:


把卡片传给另一个玩家,先看着它,然后把它保持在正常状态,或是说出原始类型的小动物,或者说一个新的类型。这个新玩家再次可以选择接受卡片或传递卡片,除非所有其他玩家已经看到卡片,否则玩家必须接受该卡片并提出真实/虚假的索赔。游戏结束时,玩家没有卡片转过身,或者当玩家在他前面的桌子上有四张相同的小动物卡时,游戏结束。在任何一种情况下,这个玩家都失去了,其他所有人都赢了。对于这个,Kakerlakenpoker Royal增加了新的规则和新的讨厌的“皇家”小动物在比赛中为玩家创造更多的选择。


As in its parent game Kakerlakenpoker, Kakerlakenpoker Royal has nothing to do with poker – except that the game is all about bluffing, but with cards showing cockroaches, rats and stink bugs instead of queens, 10s and aces. To set up the game, shuffle the deck and deal the cards out to players. On a turn, a player takes one card from his hand, lays it face down on the table, slides it to a player of his choice, and declares a type of critter, e.g., "Stink bug". The player receiving the card either: Accepts the card, says either "true" or "false", then reveals the card. If this player is wrong in her claim, she keeps the card on the table in front of her face up; if she is right, the player who gave her the card places it face up before him. Passes the card to another player, peeking at it first, then keeping it face-down and either saying the original type of critter or saying a new type. This new player again has the choice of accepting the card or passing it, unless the card has already been seen by all other players in which case the player must accept it and make a true/false claim. The game ends when a player has no cards to pass on his turn or when a player has four cards of the same critter on the table in front of him. In either case, this player loses and everyone else wins. To this, Kakerlakenpoker Royal adds new rules and new nasty "royal" critters to create more options for players during the game.