玩家评分: 6.4


桌游极客排名: 3883

本月排名变化: 23

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 2 - 10 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.04 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.80



出版年份: 2012


| 栢龙(中文)


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺



Tapple中的每一轮,一名玩家画一张主题卡,然后启动计时器。在接下来的十秒钟内,该播放器必须给出适合该主题的单个单词答案,按下与该单词的第一个字母对应的特殊电子设备中的字母键,然后重新启动定时器。然后,下一个播放器必须考虑以不同字母开头的主题的单词,按下该起始字母,然后重新启动计时器。如果一个球员用完了,她就出来了。如果只有一个玩家留在一轮,她会收集主题卡。如果玩家设法按下所有的字母,除了一个播放器之外的所有的一个敲门,玩家重置设备,绘制一个新的主题卡,然后再次启动计时器,这次必须给两个答案的主题&ndash ;每个以不同的字母–在规定的时间内。谁收集最多的主题卡赢了!

Each round in Tapple, one player draws a topic card, then starts the timer. In the next ten seconds, that player must give a single word answer that fits within the topic, press down the letter key in a special electronic device that corresponds to the first letter of that word, and restart the timer. The next player must then think of a word for the topic that starts with a different letter, press down that starting letter, and restart the timer. If a player runs out of time, she's out for the round. If only one player remains in a round, she collects the topic card. If players manage to press down all of the letters before knocking all but one player out of a round, the players reset the device, draw a new topic card, then start the timer again, this time having to give two answers for the topic – each starting with a different letter – within the allotted time. Whoever collects the most topic cards wins!