玩家评分: 6.9


桌游极客排名: 1664

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.92 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.29



出版年份: 2004


| Ystari Games | HUCH! | Quined White Goblin Games


| Cyril Demaegd


| Arnaud Demaegd


|哄骗 |中世纪

在偏远的时代,Gradlon国王为他的女儿Dahut搭起了壮丽的Y城。巨大的海墙保护城市免受暴力冲击。 Dahut决定让Ys成为布列塔尼最强大的地方;于是,她派出龙抓住装载在公海海上的宝石的商船;每转一圈,在城市港口装满宝石的船只。体现Ys的商人王位的球员们,他们的队伍一次在城市的4个社区工作,一次两次。决定每个社区的哪个区域要关注。控制港口要求特殊的黑色珠宝,商业区域获得经济利益或宫殿影响影响人物。不过,这个球员主宰了整个社区,他们首先选择了在那里停靠的船上的宝石。不要忽视宝石市场,因为其他玩家可能会派他们的经纪人影响不同类型的宝石的价值,使您的收藏品不那么有价值。


在比赛结束时,获胜者是积累了最多金牌(以胜利点代表)的球员。 #10;

In remote times, King Gradlon had the magnificent city of Ys erected for his daughter Dahut. Gargantuan sea-walls protected the city from the violent waves. Dahut decided to make Ys the most powerful place in Brittany; thus, she dispatched dragons to seize merchant ships loaded with jewels which sailed on the open sea… Each turn, ships filled with gems land in the city's ports. The players, embodying merchant-princes of Ys, set their team to work, two at a time, in the 4 neighborhoods of the city; deciding which area of each neighborhood to focus on. Controlling the port to claim special black jewels, the commercial area to gain a financial advantage or the palace to influence characters of influence. However it is the player who dominates the neighborhood as a whole who has the first choice of the precious stones carried in the hold of the ship docked there. Don't overlook the gem market as other players may send their brokers to influence the value of the different types of jewels, making your collection less valuable. Each player has a team of 11 brokers of varying skill levels. These brokers are placed on the players turn, one face up and one face down. Bluff your opponents on where your intentions lie, misdirection is the key to victory. At the end of the game, the winner is the player who has accumulated the most gold (represented by victory points).