玩家评分: 7.8

A Distant Plain

桌游极客排名: 1063

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180-300 分钟

难度: 3.86 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.56



出版年份: 2013


| GMT Games


| Volko Ruhnke | Brian Train


| Xavier Carrascosa | Rodger B. MacGowan | Chechu Nieto


|现代战争 |战争

在Volko Ruhnke的COIN系列中,这一卷在今天的头条新闻中吸引了1到4名玩家参加阿富汗冲突,这次是两队顶级设计师在现代不规则战争中的独特合作。一个遥远的平原队Volko Ruhnke,迷人的设计师:“恐怖战争”,Brian Train,一位拥有20年经验的设计师,创造了有影响力的模拟,如阿尔及利亚,索马里干预,光辉之路:秘鲁斗争,以及许多其他人。“遥远的平原”具有与格林尼治标准时间最近的安第斯山脉和即将到来的古巴自由相同的可访问游戏系统,但具有新的派系,能力,事件和目标。这个系列中的第一次,两个反叛国(COIN)派别必须调和阿富汗的竞争视野,以协调一场反危险的双重叛乱的运动。

一个遥远的平原将熟悉的安第斯深渊技术阿富汗条件不增加规则的复杂性。对于GMT COIN系列玩家来说,要学习,遥远的平原将会将它们运送到不同的地点和时间。新功能包括:

联合政府联合行动。巴基斯坦方面对冲突的态度。 COIN和叛乱战术与技术的演变。政府移民和遗弃。联军伤亡。返回阿富汗难民。普什图族民族地貌。多个场景。一个72个新鲜事件的甲板。


与每个COIN系列卷一样,A Distant Plain的玩家将面临困难的战略决策与每张卡。创新的游戏系统将政治,文化,经济事务与军事等暴力和非暴力行动和能力顺利融为一体。流动图现在可以运行三个阿富汗派系,所以任何数量的玩家从纸牌到4岁都可以体验到今天的阿富汗的内部争吵。

This volume in Volko Ruhnke's COIN Series takes 1 to 4 players into the Afghan conflict of today’s headlines, this time in a unique collaboration between two top designers of boardgames on modern irregular warfare. A Distant Plain teams Volko Ruhnke, the award-winning designer of Labyrinth: The War on Terror, with Brian Train, a designer with 20 years' experience creating influential simulations such as Algeria, Somalia Interventions, Shining Path: The Struggle for Peru, and many others. A Distant Plain features the same accessible game system as GMT's recent Andean Abyss and upcoming Cuba Libre but with new factions, capabilities, events, and objectives. For the first time in the Series, two counterinsurgent (COIN) factions must reconcile competing visions for Afghanistan in order to coordinate a campaign against a dangerous twin insurgency. A Distant Plain adapts familiar Andean Abyss mechanics to the conditions of Afghanistan without adding rules complexity. A snap for Series: COIN (GMT) players to learn, A Distant Plain will transport them to a different place and time. New features include: Coalition-Government joint operations. Volatile Pakistani posture toward the conflict. Evolution of both COIN and insurgent tactics and technology. Government graft and desertion. Coalition casualties. Returning Afghan refugees. Pashtun ethnic terrain. Multiple scenarios. A deck of 72 fresh events. ... and more. As with each COIN Series volume, players of A Distant Plain will face difficult strategic decisions with each card. The innovative game system smoothly integrates political, cultural, and economic affairs with military and other violent and non-violent operations and capabilities. Flow charts are at hand to run the three Afghan factions, so that any number of players—from solitaire to 4—can experience the internecine brawl that is today's Afghanistan.