玩家评分: 7.4

Mythos Tales

桌游极客排名: 1229

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 1 - 10 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 60-120 分钟

难度: 2.12 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.47



出版年份: 2016


| 8th Summit | Broadway Toys LTD | Grey Fox Games


| Hal Eccles | Will Kenyon | Jason Maxwell | Tim Uren


| Miguel Coimbra | George Patsouras | Edu Torres


|合作 |单人游戏 |讲故事

欢迎来到H.P. Lovecraft的Arkham在20世纪20年代。在这场关于Lovecraftian恐怖故事的游戏中,将会有许多谜。使用提供的报纸,盟友名单,阿卡姆居民目录和阿卡姆地图,您的工作是按照位置到位的线索,怀疑怀疑,解开神秘面纱,并回答最后提出的问题

您在Mythos Tales中的分数取决于您需要访问的线索数量,您在调查中理解的风险,以及您找到正确答案的能力的问题。与阿米蒂奇(Armitage)配对的智慧,那个已经暴露于对旧时代的存在的理智爆破真相的人!你能打败他的分数吗?



案例1 - 一个邪恶的谷物 - 案例2 - 血肉和血液案例3 - 国王来的案例4 - 沉睡的安慰

案例5 - 蛇的复仇

案例6 - 托克劳的明星& #10;案例7 - 消失的女孩#8#Pasquel的Wager

Welcome to H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham in the 1920s. There will be many mysteries to uncover in this storytelling game of Lovecraftian terror. Using the provided newspaper, a list of allies, the directory of Arkham residents, and a map of Arkham, your job is to follow the clues from location to location, suspect to suspect, to unravel the mystery and answer the questions posed at the end of each scenario. Your score in Mythos Tales depends upon the number of clues points you needed to visit, the risks you took to your sanity in your investigations, and your ability to find the correct answers to the questions. Match wits with Armitage, the man who has been exposed to the sanity-blasting truth about the existence of the age old evil! Can you beat his score? With that in mind, it is time to collaborate with Armitage's investigations to complete your training. This is not a typical board game: No dice, no luck, but a challenge to your mental ability. The cases that appear in print edition are: Case 1 - A Grain of Evil Case 2 - Flesh and Blood Case 3 - The King Cometh Case 4 - The Slumbering Solace Case 5 - The Serpent's Vengeance Case 6 - The Star of Tokelau Case 7 - The Vanished Girl Case 8 - Pasquale's Wager