玩家评分: 6.6

Catan: Junior

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.52 (毛线)

适合年龄: 6+

专业评分: 6.15



出版年份: 2011


| Catan GmbH | Catan Studio | Filosofia Éditions


| Klaus Teuber


| Patricia Raubo


|儿童游戏 |经济 |航海 |海盗


卡坦:青少年发生在一群岛上2到4名玩家建立藏身之处,并遇到幽灵船长居住的神秘幽灵岛。每个岛屿产生一种特定的资源:木材,山羊,糖蜜或剑,玩家可以获得黄金。每个玩家从不同岛屿上的两个海盗藏身之处开始,他们可以利用他们获得的资源搭建船只,藏身之处,或者从Coco Parrot获得帮助。通过建造船舶,他们可以扩大他们的网络;他们建立的藏身者越多,他们可能获得的资源就越多。只要注意可怕的鬼队长!


与以前的Catan Junior相比, #10;

这个游戏可以玩两个,因为它配备了一个双人地图。三人和四人的地图更大,更对称,所以两种颜色不能在缺点下运行。地图现在显示了死亡面孔,而不是资源生产的数字。许多事件卡被删除,使游戏更简单。游戏中没有卡片,只有瓷砖更耐用。游戏中不再有港口。在原始游戏中,您必须设置随机秘密港口瓦片,以允许与银行更好的交易。现在对银行的交易比较简单,可以从一开始就完成,不需要人们到港口建设。资源是不同的。有一个比赛的可可鹦鹉瓦(而不是“CoCo帮助”卡)和那些最多可以在板上多一点(接近获胜一步),绑定的玩家把他们的一块从岛上并离开它。市场现在是董事会的一部分,可以在轮到你的交易只有一次#10;默认情况下,与其他玩家的交易被排除在外,只是“高级游戏”的一部分。在Catan Junior与其他玩家交易中,可以排除简化游戏。

与Catan Junior一样,您不能连接船只,您必须建立一个海盗巢穴继续前进。

Explore the seas! Catan: Junior introduces a modified playing style of the classic Settlers of Catan, giving players as young as five a perfect introduction to the Catan series of games. Catan: Junior takes place on a ring of islands where 2 to 4 players build hideouts and encounter the mysterious Spooky Island, where the Ghost Captain lives. Each island generates a specific resource: wood, goats, molasses or swords, and players can acquire gold. Each player starts with two pirate hideouts on different islands, and they can use the resources they acquire to build ships, hideouts or get help from Coco the Parrot. By building ships, they can expand their network; the more hideouts they build, the more resources they may receive. Just watch out for the dreaded Ghost Captain! Be the first player to control seven pirate hideouts, and you win! What sets this apart from the previous Die Siedler von Catan: Junior from 2007: This game is playable with two as it comes with a two-player map. The three- and four-player map is larger and is more symmetrical, so that two of the colors don't operate at a disadvantage. The map now shows die faces rather than numbers for resource production. Many of the event cards have been removed to make the game simpler. There are no cards in the game only tiles for more durability. There are no longer harbors in the game. In the original game you had to set up the board with random secret harbor tiles that allow for better trades with the bank. Now the trading to the bank is simpler and can be done from the beginning and doesn't require people to build to the harbors. The resources are different. There is a race for the Coco the Parrot tiles (rather than 'CoCo Helps' cards) and those that have the most get to put an extra piece on the board (one step closer to winning), tied players take their piece off the island and leave it vacated. The market is now a part of the board, and can be traded into only once on your turn By default, Trading with other players is excluded and only part of the "advanced game". In Die Siedler von Catan: Junior trading with other players could be excluded to simplify the game. As in Die Siedler von Catan: Junior you can't chain ships; you must build a pirate lair before continuing on.