玩家评分: 4.7

Maya Code

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家评分: 4.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 2 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+




出版年份: 1984


| Creanet


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺




|组队合作 |板块放置


Conquer the sun platform with wits and logic and occupy it with the code of your own tribal colors. Those eliminated are dropped into the pyramid chamber. The winner obtains the eternal Maya gold. Discover new and fascinating strategies with every round. (from the back of the box...) Guess the game is described best as "connect four with different colors" (if I played it right as the rules are within the top ten of worst written rules...). Players select their own "code" (pattern) consisting of one gold piece in the middle and two other colors. On their turn they either place a new piece from the reserve or move one of their pieces already on the board. When completing a pattern you've got the option of either taking a gold piece back to your reserve or to drop one of the opponents pieces into the pyramid. Winner is the the last player to be able to build patterns. MAYA CODE game instructions for 2 players Components 1 Earth platform with cardinal points 2 Game stone reserve 3 MAYA CODE bank for the 3 stones that form the pattern code: 1 gold stone (A) in the middle and 2 different tribal stones on the left (B) and on the right (C) 4 Sun platform (removable play area!) 5 pyramid chamber for the vanquished(countersunk hole) Necessary game pieces 8 gold pieces, each 7 pieces of tribal color in 4 types MAYA CODE A code (3) is formed from 3 pieces. 2 different own tribal colors (B, C) and in the middle 1 gold stone (A) Objectives of the game: Dominate the sun platform by creating codes and conquer Maya gold Each player tries to place as many tribal color codes as possible on the upper sun platform (3rd floor) Stones like the pattern, in a line, always gold in the middle, in every direction, e.g. also diagonally). For each successful code you can take back one gold stone from the sun platform or take 1 stone away from the opponent and sink it; until it can no longer make any codes. In the end, win all of the Maya gold on the solar platform. Before the start of the game: Sunrise in the east The player with the east side E may begin and chooses 2 tribal colors. Each player puts his pattern code on the code bank with 2 different tribal colors and 1 middle gold stone. The reserve of game pieces is provided on the front and side of the earth platform (3 gold pieces and 6 each of the two tribal colors). The stones of the pattern code remain inserted and must not be used for playing! Opening: The Mayan gold that is played belongs to both immediately Alternately, 1 stone of your choice is placed in any place on the solar platform per turn in order to try to create your own codes or to prevent opposing codes. Your own stones and all gold stones that have already been placed may be moved in steps. Everyone can play with all gold stones on the sun platform: The gold stones can be used by both parties! Main battle: sink the defeated into the pyramid chamber! Anyone who has completed their own code can and must(!) Remove any opposing or gold stone in the same turn: Captured opposing stones are sunk. Gold stones are taken into your own reserve. Gold that has just been played may not be taken away in the same turn. Codes that are not self-made or those of others do not entitle you to remove a stone. If 2 or more of your own codes are created at the same time, 2 or more stones can also be removed. Endgame: The winner receives all of the Maya gold! - Whoever has no more stones of one tribal color is defeated. All gold on the solar platform 1s credited to the winner (1 gold stone = 1 point).