玩家评分: 6.8


桌游极客排名: 1487

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 8 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 15-45 分钟

难度: 1.29 (毛线)

适合年龄: 7+

专业评分: 6.35



出版年份: 1987


| Competo / Marektoy | Giochi Uniti | Hasbro


| Klaus Zoch


| Jan Richard Hansen | Olivia Schuff | Wundergestalten


|动作 |聚会


|拍卖/竞价 |堆叠平衡



Sac Noir的描述(Rio Grande Games,2-8名球员):

有五种变化如何玩。所有这些都是建立一座塔。该袋子包含非常不同的木制品(即ash草,鸡蛋,戒指,枞树等)以及用于“拍卖变化”的豆袋。的游戏。根据你选择的变化,每个玩家都建立自己的塔,或者一起构建一个塔。 “拍卖变化”是最令人震惊和惊讶的。人们可能会花费相当多的豆子来避免构建一个特别困难的元素。需要赌博和虚张声势的能力,就像对静态和施工技能的感觉一样。这是一个几乎无休止的建筑可能性的游戏。对于聪明的战术家来说,这是一个稳定的手和摇摆悬念的挑战。

Players take turns choosing blocks and giving them to each other to place on their structure. A player may pay a certain number of 'beans' to refuse a block and it gets passed to the next player. When a player's structure falls, they are out of the game. Last player standing wins. Description of Bandu (1992, Milton Bradley, 2-6 players): Bandu is based upon the game of Bausack. Each player is given a base block and a number of beans. During a turn, a player chooses a wood block from a common supply and either holds a Refuse or Use auction. All player bid with their beans and the winner/loser must place the piece on their tower. If your tower falls you are out of the game. The last tower standing wins. Description of Sac Noir (Rio Grande Games, 2-8 players): There are five variations on how to play. The goal in all of them is to build a tower. The bag contains very different wooden pieces (i.e. an ashlar, an egg, a ring, a fir tree etc.) as well as a sack of beans for the "auction variation" of the game. Depending on the variation you choose, either each player builds his own tower or all build one together. The "auction variations" are the most suspenseful and surprising. One might end up spending quite some beans to avoid building an especially difficult element. Gambling and bluffing abilities are needed just as much as a feeling for statics and construction skills. It's a game with almost endless building possibilities. It's a challenge for steady hands and shaky suspense for clever tacticians.