玩家评分: 7.7



Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island

桌游极客排名: 90

本月排名变化: -

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 60-120 分钟

难度: 3.82 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 7.57



出版年份: 2012


| MYBG(中文)


| Joanna Kijanka | Ignacy Trzewiczek


| Tomasz Bentkowski | Mateusz Bielski | Vincent Dutrait

Robinson Crusoe:诅咒岛上的冒险是由堡垒的作者Ignacy Trzewiczek创作的游戏。这次Trzewiczek将球员带到一个荒芜的岛屿,在那里他们将会遇到遇难的难民幸存者。他们将面临着建设庇护所,寻找食物,打野兽,保护自己免受天气变化的挑战。围绕他们的家园建筑墙壁,动物驯化,从他们找到的东西构建武器和工具,等待他们在岛上。玩家决定游戏将在哪个方向展开和–经过几个游戏周的辛勤工作–他们的定居点怎么样他们会同时发现岛上的秘密吗?他们会找到一个海盗宝藏还是一个废弃的村庄?他们会在火山底部发现一个地下城市还是一个被诅咒的寺庙?这些问题的答案在于数百个事件卡和数百个可在游戏过程中使用的对象和结构卡。“罗宾逊漂流记:诅咒岛上的冒险是Portal的史诗般游戏。你将建造一个庇护所,栅栏,武器,你将创建工具,如轴,刀,麻袋,你会尽一切可能的…生存。你必须找到食物,打野兽,保护自己免受天气变化…



Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is a game created by Ignacy Trzewiczek, the author of Stronghold. This time Trzewiczek takes the players to a deserted island, where they'll play the parts of shipwreck survivors confronted by an extraordinary adventure. They'll be faced with the challenges of building a shelter, finding food, fighting wild beasts, and protecting themselves from weather changes. Building walls around their homes, animal domestication, constructing weapons and tools from what they find, and much more await them on the island. The players decide in which direction the game will unfold and – after several in-game weeks of hard work – how their settlement will look. Will they manage to discover the secret of the island in the meantime? Will they find a pirate treasure, or an abandoned village? Will they discover an underground city or a cursed temple at the bottom of a volcano? Answers to these questions lie in hundreds of event cards and hundreds of object and structure cards that can be used during the game... Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is an epic game from Portal. You will build a shelter, palisade, weapons, you will create tools like axes, knives, sacks, you will do everything you can to… to survive. You will have to find food, fight wild beasts, protect yourself from weather changes… Take the role of one of four characters from the ship crew (cook, carpenter, explorer, or soldier) and face the adventure. Use your determination skills to help your teammates, discuss with them your plan, and put it into practice. Debate, discuss, and work on the best plan you all can make. Search for treasures. Discover mysteries. Follow goals of six different, engaging scenarios. Start by building a big pile of wood and setting it on fire to call for help, and then start new adventures. Become an exorcist on cursed Island. Become a treasure hunter on Volcano Island. Become a rescue team for a young lady who’s stuck on rock island… Let the adventure live!


56 x 87mm (2 1/4" x 3 1/2")