玩家评分: 6.9



Police Precinct

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.55 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.15


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2013


| Common Man Games


| Ole Steiness


| George Patsouras | Marco Primo


|哄骗 |推理 |谋杀/疑案 |谈判





在每个玩家的结尾,他们画一张事件卡。这些卡片代表了越来越多的犯罪和紧急情况,正在城市发生。每一个人堆在另一个之上,如果警察不停留在事物的顶端,他们将被埋葬在罪中!这些事件卡被放置在游戏板上发生的位置。其中一些有“未知的情况”令牌面对面放置在他们身上,增加了更多的紧张局面。“如果太多的罪犯处于一个地区,就会形成一个帮派。每个帮派都有自己的权力,如果不能迅速认真地处理警察的努力,那么,不仅这些人调查了谋杀案,而且还要逮捕街头罪犯,处理紧急情况。 #10;



Police Precinct is a cooperative/semi-cooperative game where players are tasked with solving a mysterious murder while simultaneously working to keep crime on the streets under control, and to keep the city from falling into chaos. Players take on the role of police officers with different areas of expertise. The players work together to solve the mystery by collecting evidence and eventually arresting the suspect. Complicating matters is the fact that there may or may not be a corrupt officer that is being paid off by the murderer to suppress evidence, the same evidence everyone else is trying to uncover. Players move around the city searching through randomly shuffled investigation cards for evidence in relation to the murder. The number of investigation cards drawn depends on the character’s rating as well as how many player cards are added by other players to boost the character’s rating for the current “search”. There are four decks of investigation cards (Interview Witness, Collect Crime Scene Evidence, Examine Body and Locate Murder Weapon) to be searched. These decks are shuffled and placed in different locations. So, a player might search the cards in one area and not find any evidence at all… or maybe the bribed cop, if there is one, did the searching and just said no evidence was found. Players have to find all of the evidence cards from the investigation decks to be able to arrest the murderer. At the end of each player’s turn they draw an event card. These cards represent growing crime and emergencies that are happening in the city. Each one piles on top of the other, and if the cops don't stay on top of things, they will be buried in crime! These Event cards are placed on the game board at the locations where they occur. Some of them have “unknown circumstance” tokens placed face-down upon them, adding even more tension. If too many criminals are located in one area, a gang is formed. Each gang has its own power and can cripple the police efforts if not handled quickly and carefully. So, not only are the players investigating the murder, but they must also arrest street criminals and handle emergencies. Sometimes when a character successfully completes a task, that character is rewarded with a doughnut token. These tokens can later be used to help with tasks. However, if the character does not complete the task in time, the city crime track advances. The track can also advance if street crimes grow so large that no more street criminals can be placed, when called for. If the Crime Track advances to the end, the murderer escapes justice and the good cops fail the game. To add to the tension even further, The good cops only have so many days to complete the investigation. If time runs out, once again the murderer shall escape justice! The pressure is great and the stakes are high!