玩家评分: 6.6

Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages

桌游极客排名: 3538

本月排名变化: 48

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 1 - 12 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.03 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.85



出版年份: 2011


| The Creativity Hub | ADC Blackfire Entertainment | Asmodee


| Rory O'Connor


| Rory O'Connor


Rory的故事立方体:Voyages–一个口袋大小的九个立方体描绘了54个图标,启发史诗冒险–是Rory's Story Cubes的第二个扩展套件,同时也是独立的项目。与原始设置相同的高品质,立方体以深绿色印上,以便您可以在播放过程中选择使用多个套装进行轻松排序。与Rory的故事立方体一样,您也可以可以作为一个或多个玩家的游戏作为游戏,作为三个或更多的派对游戏,或作为一个即兴游戏,每个玩家贡献部分故事,拾起最后一个离开的地方。赢得快速交付奖励积分,创造力,想象力,戏剧和幽默。


Rory's Story Cubes

Rory's Story Cubes:Actions

Roll the cubes, begin with "Far, far away...", start with the first symbol to grab your attention, and tell a story that links together all nine face-up images. There is no wrong answer, as the goal is to let the images spark your imagination. Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages – a pocket-sized set of nine cubes depicting 54 icons to inspire epic adventure – is the second expansion set for Rory's Story Cubes, while also being a standalone item. Made to the same high quality as the original set, the cubes are inked in dark green to allow for easy sorting if you choose to use more than one set during play. As with Rory's Story Cubes, you can play Voyages as a game for one or more players, as a party game for three or more, or as an improv game in which each player contributes part of the story, picking up where the last one left off. Win award points for speedy delivery, inventiveness, imagination, drama and humor. Integrates with Rory's Story Cubes Rory's Story Cubes: Actions