玩家评分: 6.5

Article 27: The UN Security Council Game

桌游极客排名: 3735

本月排名变化: 37

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2.11 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.82



出版年份: 2012


| Stronghold Games


| Dan Baden


| Michael Christopher


|哄骗 |谈判 |政治


|交易 |投票

第二十七条:联合国安理会的游戏从–是的,你猜这个– “联合国宪章”第二十七条,其中包括这两项规定:安理会各成员应有一票。安理会有关程序事项的决定,应由九名成员进行肯定的表决。“在这个谈判游戏中,每位球员代表联合国安理会的一名成员,并将出席并呈交不同的建议。在每一轮中,一名球员担任联合国秘书长,向安理会提出一项提案,主持谈判期限不超过五分钟。该提案将影响五个问题–军事,货币等–以各种方式,每个玩家都有一个秘密文件,告诉他每个问题的变化如何影响他。所有玩家公开谈判他们所需要的积分和贿赂,以投票支持该建议。“最后五分钟后,秘书长通过敲击他的木槌关闭谈判,然后玩家投票是或否对提案。任何“否”投票杀死了这个提案,就像联合国安理会的实际情况一样。但是否决了一个建议会给玩家带来分数,所以他可能更喜欢寻找能让他说“是”的交易。当他的提案成功时,秘书长会得到一个奖金,所以他和其他有利的人可能愿意谈判,让所有人都很高兴。#10;每个球员曾任秘书长一次(两次)在三人游戏中),每个玩家根据手头的贿赂得分,从提案卡中得分,以及玩家如何在游戏开始时完成他收到的秘密议程卡。

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Article 27: The United Nations Security Council Game gets its title from – yes, you guessed it – Article 27 of the United Nations Charter, which includes these two provisions: 1. Each member of the Security Council shall have one vote. 2. Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members. In this negotiation game, each player represents one member of the UN Security Council and will both present and be presented with different proposals. In each round, one player acts as the UN Secretary General, presents a proposal to the Council and presides over a negotiation period that lasts no more than five minutes. The proposal will affect five issues – military, currency, etc. – in various ways, and each player has a secret document for the round that tells him how a change in each issue will affect him. All players openly negotiate on what they need in terms of points and bribes in order to vote for that proposal. After at most five minutes, the Secretary General closes negotiations by banging his wooden gavel, then players vote yes or no on the proposal. Any "no" vote kills the proposal, as in the United Nation's actual Security Council – but vetoing a proposal costs a player points, so he might prefer to look for deals that will enable him to say "yes". The Secretary General scores a bonus when his proposal succeeds, so he and others who will benefit might be willing to negotiate to make the proposal sweet for all. After each player has served as Secretary General once (twice in a three-player game), each player scores based on bribe money on hand, points scored from proposal cards, and how well the player fulfilled the secret agenda card he received at the start of the game.