玩家评分: 7.7

Cuba Libre

桌游极客排名: 650

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.61 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 6.83



出版年份: 2013


| 香蕉桌游(尚未发行)(中文)


| Jeff Grossman | Volko Ruhnke


| Xavier Carrascosa | Rodger B. MacGowan | Chechu Nieto


|经济 |现代战争 |政治 |战争

1956年12月,叛逆的反政府武装人员菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)在几乎没有任何政治基础的情况下回到古巴进行革命,经过与政府军的灾难性首次遇难,总共只有12人。两年之后,卡斯特罗,他的兄弟拉·乌库特·拉·古·格瓦拉通过精辟的宣传和派别机动,团结了不同的游击队,开发了古巴人,深深反对他们的独裁者Fulgencio Batista y Zaldí var。卡斯特罗收购国家成为左派叛乱的榜样。


跟随在格林尼治标准时间游戏’安哥拉深渊关于现代哥伦比亚的叛乱活动,下一卷在COIN系列,古巴Libre,需要1到4名玩家进入古巴革命。卡斯特罗“7月26日运动”必须从塞拉利昂Maestra山脉的基地扩大到哈瓦那的路上。同时,反共产学生团体,城市游击队员和外籍人士也试图从内向外解除巴蒂斯塔政权,同时不要为卡斯特罗新独裁政权铺路。巴蒂斯坦政府必须保持蒸汽,以对抗双叛乱,同时管理两个恩人:其脆弱的美国联盟和其破坏性的联合会脱脂。而在这场混乱中,迈尔·兰斯基(Meyer Lansky)和他的辛迪加老板也将骑着他们的古巴流氓天堂,并将继续前进。“##############学习安第斯深渊球员,两个卷共享相同的创新GMT COIN系列系统。像第一卷一样,古巴Libre也是同样可玩的纸牌,或是多达4码的玩家,而且比安第斯深渊更短的时间完成。但古巴自由的形势和战略挑战将是新的。一个48个新鲜事件的甲板将1950年代古巴带到生活中,包括…


• El Che和Raú l:在场上辉煌,还是笨蛋人质?




• Rolando Masferrer:残酷的亲政府战术会帮助还是伤害?










更多的COIN系列卷来吧! #10;安第斯深渊和现在的古巴Libre提出了一个现代叛乱的游戏系统,容易适应其他冲突,特别是那些以多边相互作用为特征的游戏系统(因此命名为COunterINsurgency系列)。游击战争历史悠久,历史悠久,因为现代叛乱分子为COIN系列提供了几乎无限的,不充分的话题。第三卷是阿富汗的一个遥远的平原€叛乱。第四卷是越南湖泊Ins is is is;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

In December 1956, paroled rebel Fidel Castro returned to Cuba to launch his revolution with virtually no political base and—after a disastrous initial encounter with government forces—a total of just 12 men. Two years later, through masterful propaganda and factional maneuver, Castro, his brother Raúl, and iconic revolutionary Che Guevara had united disparate guerrillas and exploited Cubans’ deep opposition to their dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar. Castro’s takeover of the country became a model for Leftist insurgency. Castro’s Insurgency Following up on GMT Games’ Andean Abyss about insurgency in modern Colombia, the next volume in the COIN Series, Cuba Libre, takes 1 to 4 players into the Cuban Revolution. Castro’s “26 July Movement” must expand from its bases in the Sierra Maestra mountains to fight its way to Havana. Meanwhile, anti-communist student groups, urban guerrillas, and expatriates try to de-stabilize the Batista regime from inside and out, while trying not to pave the way for a new dictatorship under Castro. Batista’s Government must maintain steam to counter the twin insurgency, while managing two benefactors: its fragile US Alliance and its corrupting Syndicate skim. And in the midst of the turmoil, Meyer Lansky and his Syndicate bosses will jockey to keep their Cuban gangster paradise alive. COIN Series, Volume II Cuba Libre will be easy to learn for Andean Abyss players—both volumes share the same innovative Series: COIN (GMT) system. Like Volume I, Cuba Libre is equally playable solitaire or by multiple players up to 4—and with a shorter time to completion than Andean Abyss. But Cuba Libre’s situation and strategic challenges will be new. A deck of 48 fresh events brings 1950s Cuba to life and includes … • The Twelve: The first wave’s escape to the Sierra Maestra—inspirational legend or harbinger of defeat? • El Che and Raúl: Brilliant in the field, or bungling hostage-takers? • Operation Fisherman: Can the rebels pull off a second invasion? • General Strike: Urban disruption or rebel embarrassment? • Radio Rebelde: Are the masses tuning in, or just the Army direction finders? • Pact of Caracas: Can the rebels unite? • Armored Cars: Mobile striking power, but in whose hands? • Rolando Masferrer: Brutal pro-government tactics—will they help or hurt? • Fat Butcher: Can the Mob’s enforcer protect its casinos? • Sinatra: Frankie’s Havana show a boom or bust, and who collects? … and much more. New twists match the COIN Series system to the situation in 1950s Cuba: • It’s the insurgents who build lasting capabilities, while the Government is limited to fleeting bursts of momentum. • The Syndicate’s bases are Casinos—expensive to build, but so important to Cuba no army will destroy them. • Syndicate special activities include calling in the “muscle” of Government troops and police to protect mob assets. • Stacks of Syndicate cash awaiting launder can fall in anyone’s hands—even the corrupt Government’s. • The Government has its own terror tactic—reprisals—and can skim a portion of Syndicate profits. • The eroding US Alliance with Batista overshadows all Government actions, not just through aid levels but also through the day-to-day ability of troops and police to operate. • Even if Batista flees, the struggle may not end—the counterrevolutionary government may even become stronger! Multiplayer, 2-Player, Solitaire Cuba Libre provides up to 4 players with contrasting roles and overlapping victory conditions for rich diplomatic interaction. For 2- or 3-player games, players can represent alliances of factions, or the game system can control non-player factions . Or a single player as the Cuban Revolutionaries can attempt to topple Batista and seize power for themselves. The non-player sides will fight one another as well as the players, but too much power in the hands of any one of them will mean player defeat. More COIN Series Volumes to Come Andean Abyss and now Cuba Libre present a game system on modern insurgency readily adaptable to other conflicts, particularly those featuring the interaction of many sides (thus the name COunterINsurgency Series). A rich and under-represented history of guerrilla warfare beckons, as modern insurgency offers virtually unlimited, under-gamed topics for the COIN Series. Volume III is A Distant Plain—Insurgency in Afghanistan. Volume IV is Fire in the Lake—Insurgency in Vietnam.