玩家评分: 7.8

The Great Zimbabwe

桌游极客排名: 339

本月排名变化: 2

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 90-150 分钟

难度: 3.69 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 7.12



出版年份: 2012


| Splotter Spellen


| Jeroen Doumen | Joris Wiersinga


| Ynze Moedt


在游戏中,玩家努力建立最多令人印象深刻的纪念碑,他们选择的一个神。他们可以自己选择这个神 - 十二位神的每一个提供了一个独特的祝福,但是每个人都需要不同的工作量才能赢得比赛。通过开发遍及该地区的物流网络来建立纪念碑。通过这个网络,玩家可以生产和获得仪式商品来提高他们的纪念碑,并为他们选择的上帝带来荣誉。


Mutapa国王撑进村里,随后一群年轻的战士放牛。 “Oondabezitha”,他介绍了国王的集会,“今晚我带来了十二头牛的仪式”。他们说话的时候似乎缩小了。莫马帕王的明星显然是上升的。他们自己没有养过几乎一样多的牛。 “很快,我们都会祈祷到Obatala”,这是一个较老的Kilwa贸易商。 “Mutapa将会将他们无神的纪念碑升高到天空。也许现在是我们采取一些我们自己的魔法的时候了。然后,天空闯入雷声,暴风雨在大会上倒下。当平原充满水时,男子们争相争吵。仪式今天晚上会潮湿...津巴布韦大津是一个物流经济的游戏,玩家是非洲的部族领导人,试图通过建立纪念碑来吸引神。&#10 ;购买技术,建筑工匠,收集资源和崇拜神是“津巴布韦大国”赢得必要的许多决定之一。但是到达的主要方式是建立和发展一个纪念碑网络。纪念碑越高,玩家越接近胜利,但玩家必须平衡游戏的许多微妙方面。如果他们发展经济,如果他们崇拜一个强大的神,或者如果他们使用大量的技术,他们将需要得分更多的胜利点。

聪明地使用转向操纵,经济发展几乎亲密的环境,稀缺的自然资源利用和物流优化,从商人到纪念碑交付物品:你每轮只能得到一个动作,所以要聪明! “津巴布韦大国”是一场胜利的比赛,你决定要走多远,以什么速度。然后其他玩家的决定改变一切...

The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork. In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves-- each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice. Here's the flavour text from the rules: The Mutapa king struts into the village, followed by a bunch of young warriors herding cattle. “Oondabezitha ”, he addresses the assembly of kings, “I have brought twelve heads of cattle for the ceremony tonight”. The others seem to shrink in stature as he speaks. The star of the king of Mutapa is clearly ascending. They have not brought nearly as much cattle themselves. “Soon, we will all be praying to Obatala”, murmurs one of the older Kilwa traders. “The Mutapa will be raising their godless monuments sky-high. Perhaps it is time for us to resort to some magic of our own”. Then the sky breaks into a thunder and a torrential rain pours down on the assembly. The men scramble while the plains fill with water. The ceremony will be wet tonight... The Great Zimbabwe is a logistico-economic game in which players are tribal leaders in Africa trying to please the gods by building monuments. Buying technology, building craftsmen, gathering resources and worshipping a god are among the many decisions necessary to win in 'The Great Zimbabwe'. But the main way of getting there is building and developing a network of monuments. The higher the monuments, the closer the players will be to victory, but players must balance many subtle aspects of the game. If they develop their economy, if they worship a powerful god or if they use a lot of technology, they will need to score more victory points. Clever use of turn-order manipulation, economic development in an almost close environment, scarce natural resource use and logistical optimization to deliver goods from craftsmen to monuments: You only get one action per turn, so be smart! 'The Great Zimbabwe' is a race for victory, in which you decide how far you want to go and at what speed. Then other players' decisions change everything...