玩家评分: 7

Dark Moon

桌游极客排名: 1334

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 3 - 7 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 60-75 分钟

难度: 2.38 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.42


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2011


| Stronghold Games | (Web published) | kártyagyár


| Evan Derrick


| William Bricker | Viktor Csete | Evan Derrick

欢迎来到深夜Noguchi Masaki行星际矿业公司欢迎您前往土卫六的前哨,土星的黑暗月亮!您将参加经验丰富的矿工,技术人员和冒险精神的团队,他们经历了我们太阳系所提供的所有奇迹。目的,忠诚,友情,友谊和牺牲都等待着您作为Noguchi Masaki家族的新的和重要的成员!

DARK MOON(以前称为BSG Express),是一场欺骗和背叛的游戏在空间的寒冷边缘。你是一个深空采矿考察团的成员,他是土星的黑暗月亮的泰坦。在例行挖掘过程中,“事件”发生一些机组人员感染未知病毒,并变得偏执狂,欺骗和暴力,试图摧毁他人。



WELCOME TO DARK MOON. The Noguchi Masaki interplanetary mining corporation welcomes you to its outpost on Titan, the dark moon of Saturn! You will be joining an experienced crew of miners, technicians, and adventurous souls who live to experience all the wonders that our solar system has to offer. Purpose, loyalty, camaraderie, friendship, and sacrifice all await you as a new and valued member of the Noguchi Masaki family! DARK MOON (formerly known as BSG Express), is a game of deception and betrayal at the cold edge of space. You are a crew member on a deep space mining expedition to Titan, the dark moon of Saturn. During a routine excavation, an “incident” occurs whereby some of the crew become infected with an unknown virus, and become paranoid, deceitful, and violent, trying to destroy the others. At the start of the game, players are divided into two teams: Uninfected and Infected. The Uninfected team simply needs to survive until the end of the game, while the Infected team secretly attempts to destroy them. Each player knows which team they are on, but does not know which team the other players are on! Who is your teammate and who is your enemy? Can you trust your best friend? And why doesn’t anyone trust you when you tell them you’re one of the good guys?! Roll dice, overcome traumatic events, throw your friends in quarantine when you don’t believe them, and (if you’re Infected) betray everyone at just the right moment to secure victory!