玩家评分: 7.2

Navia Dratp

桌游极客排名: 3348

本月排名变化: 24

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2.89 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.87



出版年份: 2004


| Bandai


| Koichi Yamazaki


| Koichi Yamazaki


|抽象 |收藏 |梦幻


|网格移动 |方格网

这种象棋般的游戏灵感来自于Shogi,主题围绕着动漫风格。玩家们组建了由七名圣战士,七名强力夺取的典当兵和两枚电力收割的典当兵组成的两个起始军。起初的十四名战士来自第一次扩张,十五名来自最终扩张,十五名战士。玩家可能会选择在这四十四名战士中选出七名(每方),而不是最初的十四名战士,而是在玩耍时一次一个地召集到董事会。他们可以使用电力晶体升级到更强大的象棋/ shogi风格的运动。这些战士中有许多具有特殊的魔法力量(例如,传送,复活,灭绝),可以通过花费水晶来打开。

这个棋/ shogi变种最令人兴奋的事情之一是有多种方式来赢得:

•创建一个强制投降的交配方案 - 捕获纳维亚(她像国际象棋/ shogi王)



This chess-like game was inspired by Shogi and themed around an anime style. Players set up the two different starter armies consisting of seven holy warriors, seven power-harvesting pawns and two power-harvesting uber-pawns. Fourteen warriors came with the starters, fifteen from the first expansion, and fifteen from the final expansion. Instead of the initial fourteen warriors, players may chose to draft seven (per side) of these 44 warriors which are summoned onto the board one-at-a-time during play. They can be promoted to more powerful chess/shogi style movement using power crystals. Many of these warriors have special magic powers (e.g., teleportation, resurrection, obliteration) which can be turned on by spending crystals. One of the most exciting things about this chess/shogi variant is that there are multiple ways to win: • Creating a mating solution that forces surrender - Capturing the Navia (She's like the chess/shogi king) • Getting one's own Navia across and off the other side of the board • Economic victory by attaining enough power-crystals for your Navia to blast your opponent off the board.