玩家评分: 6.8

Colossal Arena

桌游极客排名: 1208

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 40-60 分钟

难度: 2.02 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.48



出版年份: 1997


| 新天鹅堡(中文)


| Reiner Knizia


| Cyrille Daujean | Thierry Doizon | Dan Harding


|卡牌游戏 |梦幻 |神话


|打赌 |手牌管理 |投资


每轮的一个生物会死亡。为了决定哪个不幸运的灵魂将成为受害者,玩家将数字电源卡放在生物前面,最低的一个去墓地。玩数字电源卡的位置和战略外交的骑师可能是激烈的 - 但是这个游戏更有趣的是玩家的地方在整个游戏中投注,这有时会让他们在战斗中使用生物的特殊力量! #10;

比赛结束时的获胜者是赌注最多的赌注 - 只是在一个幻想的怪物赌徒的生活中的另一天。

泰坦:竞技场是实际上是一个Reiner Knizia游戏称为大国德比的重做,但Avalon Hill Game Co(TAHGC)的重制是从游戏角度来看非常重要的。


重新实现:Galaxy:The Dark Ages

Colossal Arena/Titan:The Arena is a strategic card game for 2 to 5 players: you play, not as combatants, but as spectators, cheering and betting on the melee ongoing in a fantasy arena/colosseum in which fantasy creatures are pitted against each other in battle! Each round one of the creatures will die. To decide which unlucky soul will be the victim, players put numbered power cards in front of the creatures, with the lowest one going to the graveyard. The jockeying for position and strategic diplomacy in playing the numbered power cards can be intense - but what makes this game even more interesting is that the players' place bets throughout the game which will sometimes allow them to use a creature's special power in battle! The winner at the end of the game is the bettor who's raked in the most winnings - just another day in the life of a fantasy monster gambler. Titan: The Arena is actually a reworking of a Reiner Knizia game called Grand National Derby, but The Avalon Hill Game Co's remake was quite significant from a gameplay standpoint. The Titan: The Arena printing is often confused with its namesake, Titan. But other than the fact that they both use fantasy creatures as a general theme, there is very little that is similar between the two. Reimplemented by: Galaxy: The Dark Ages


56 x 87mm (2 1/4" x 3 1/2")