玩家评分: 6.9



圣地亚哥 古巴
Santiago de Cuba

桌游极客排名: 1263

本月排名变化: 5

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 40-75 分钟

难度: 2.15 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.45



出版年份: 2011


| MYBG(中文)


| Michael Rieneck


| Michael Menzel | Hans-Georg Schneider



欢迎来到古巴第二大城市圣地亚哥,这是传说中的朗姆酒和革命的发源地!混乱的街道嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡busy busy货船不断抵达和离开港口。对于供应当地产品,如异国情调的水果,糖,朗姆酒,烟草和雪茄等,需求是持续的。“在古巴圣地亚哥,你的名片上说”经纪人“,但是在现实中,你是一个阴暗的摩托车经销商,他安排与当地人和腐败官员交易货物,满足那些永远存在的货船&ndash的需求;而且您购买这些商品的能力与您的“连接”一样可靠。“游戏开始时,有9名本地人–古巴人–随机安排在圣地亚哥周围的一个路径上,该端口是电路上的第十个位置。每个古巴人都有不同的能力:例如,给玩家两个烟草,给玩家一个好的选择,强制对手给你一些东西,给钱或胜利点(VP),并抓住一个建筑物或允许玩家使用以前检获的建筑物。这些建筑物是什么?游戏开始时,十二座建筑物被随机地放置在游戏板上,四个颜色编码组(白色,黄色等)三个。与古巴人一样,这些建筑物在使用时给予玩家特殊的能力:将烟草转化为雪茄,将VP改为金钱或反之亦然,增加交付给船舶的货物的价值,使古巴在下一轮不活动,等等玩家将在游戏过程中将货物运送到七艘船上。每艘船舶的需求通过模具辊确定;活跃的球员滚五个骰子–一个为每种类型的好–然后选择四个值来表示与死亡相同颜色的商品的需求。

所有玩家共享一辆汽车,一起旅行在岛上。轮到时,主动玩家可以将汽车免费移动到路径上的下一个位置(无论是古巴还是港口),或者为每个点移动一个比索。在采取古巴行动之后,玩家必须将他的玩家片段移动到与古巴的花朵相同颜色的建筑物上。如果他在其他人拥有的建筑物中采取行动,该玩家将获得1个VP。 (一个古巴人允许玩家使用他们当前所在的同一座建筑物。)

如果玩家移动到港口,玩家轮流将所有一种货物交付给船舶以满足需求,根据需要调整需求骰子。一名玩家每交付一次都能获得2-4个VP;玩家不必交货。如果船只在每次运送或通过后都没有满足要求,则每个货物的VP奖金增加一个,船舶仍然保持在位置。除非价值已经达到4 VP,否则船只将航行。在这种情况下,或者当所有需求都满足时,一艘新船就会出现新的需求值。“七艘船已经航行,玩家每三个货物仍然拥有1副VP,然后统计他们的副总裁。具有最多副总裁的玩家获胜,连带被剩下的物品,然后钱。


Welcome to Santiago, the second largest city in Cuba, home of legendary rum and birthplace of the revolution! The chaotic streets hum with the sounds of bustling crowds and busy commerce. Cargo ships constantly arrive and depart from the port. Demand is continuous, if unpredictable, for a supply of local products such as exotic fruits, sugar, rum, tobacco, and cigars. In Santiago de Cuba, your business card says "broker", but in reality you're a shady wheeler-dealer who arranges deals with the locals and with corruptible officials to move goods and meet the demand of those ever-present cargo ships – and your ability to procure these goods is only as reliable as your "connections". At the start of the game, nine locals – the Cubans – are randomly arranged on a path around Santiago, with the port being the tenth location on the circuit. Each Cuban has a different ability: e.g., give a player two tobacco, give a player a good of his choice, force opponents to give you something, give money or victory points (VPs), and seize a building or allow a player to use a previously seized building. What are these buildings? At the start of the game, twelve buildings are randomly placed on the game board in four color-coded groups (white, yellow, etc.) of three. As with the Cubans, these buildings give players a special ability when used: convert tobacco to cigars, change VPs to money or vica versa, increase the value of goods delivered to the ship, render a Cuban inactive for the next round, and so on. Players will deliver goods to seven ships throughout the course of the game. The demand for each ship is determined via a die roll; the active player rolls five dice – one for each type of good – then chooses four of the values rolled to represent demand for goods of the same color as the die. All players share a car and travel around the island together. On a turn, the active player can move the car to the next location on the path (whether Cuban or port) for free, or pay one peso for each spot moved beyond that. After taking a Cuban action, the player then must move his player piece to a building of the same color as the flower on that Cuban. If he takes an action in a building owned by someone else, that player earns 1 VP. (One Cuban allows a player to use the same building where his piece is currently located.) If a player moves to port, players take turns delivering all goods of one type to the ship to meet demand, adjusting the demand dice as needed. A player earns 2-4 VP for each good delivered; a player doesn't have to deliver goods. If the ship's demand isn't met after everyone delivers or passes, the VP bounty per good is increased by one and the ship remains in place – unless the value was already at 4 VP, in which case the ship sails. In this case, or when all the demand is met, a new ship comes into port with new demand values. After seven ships have sailed, the players earn 1 VP for every three goods still on hand, then tally their VPs. The player with the most VPs wins, with ties broken by goods remaining, then money. Each game poses new tactical challenges for the players, thanks to ever-changing combinations of buildings, Cuban inhabitants and demand for goods.