玩家评分: 7.9

Navajo Wars

桌游极客排名: 1603

本月排名变化: 14

玩家评分: 7.9

玩家人数: 1 - 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 3.88 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.31



出版年份: 2013


| GMT Games


| Joel Toppen


| Edward S. Curtis | Donal Hegarty | Rodger B. MacGowan

纳瓦霍战争是一个单打卡驱动的游戏,将玩家置于Din&eacute的角色; (纳瓦霍)从1595年西班牙入侵之时起,他们在1864年由Kit Carson领导的美国军队的征服之时被征服。

“Din&eacute” (发音为“dih-nay”)是纳瓦霍语用来指代他们的部落的词。这意味着“人民”。“纳瓦霍”一词。来自西班牙语“Tewa”(Pueblo部落之一)的“播种”字样。 Diné他们仍然以新墨西哥州和亚利桑那州的高沙漠种植玉米而闻名。“纳瓦霍族球员(以下简称”球员“)的目标是避免被”西班牙语,墨西哥人或美国人,以下简称“敌人”。玩家将在游戏过程中采取行动,尝试增加文化和军事轨道。如果两场比赛中的任何一个都达到零,敌人就会被敌方扼杀,并立即失去比赛。还有一种以技术树为形式的文化发展,玩家必须发展才能提高他的获胜机会。事态发展是编织,马术,宗教,梅萨斯大师和尖锐的行业,每个都有三个层次的发展。纳瓦霍战争每个时期都有历史事件卡。这些牌有自己的规则和效果,真的给游戏添加了历史的感觉。



Navajo Wars is a solitaire card driven game which places the player into the role of the Diné (Navajo) from the time of the Spanish incursion in 1595 through the time of their subjugation at the hands of an American Army led by Kit Carson in 1864. “Diné” (pronounced 'dih-nay') is the word the Navajo use to refer to their tribe. It means “the people.” The term, “Navajo” comes from a Spanish rendering of a Tewa (one of the Pueblo tribes) word for “planted fields.” The Diné were and are still known for their planting of corn in the high desert of New Mexico and Arizona. The objective for the Navajo player, hereinafter referred to as "player", is to avoid being subjugated by either the Spanish, Mexicans or the Americans, hereinafter referred to as "enemy". The player will be taking actions during the course of the game to try and increase both culture and military tracks. If both of those reach zero at any time during the game, you will be subjugated by the enemy and immediately lose the game. There are also cultural developments, in the form of a tech tree, that the player will have to develop to increase his chances of winning. The developments are; weaving, horsemanship, religion, masters of the Mesas and sharp trades each having three levels of development. Navajo Wars also has historical event cards for each period. These cards have their own rules and effects that really add a historical feel to the game. As the player, you will be trying to get your family units, "counter" on the map. Your family units could consist of a man, woman and child. With those counters you will be conducting individual actions with your families that are on the map. These actions could include, raids on New Mexico, raids on an outpost, tribal warfare & tribal diplomacy both conducted against the Comanche or the Ute. Create trade goods, husbandry and travel. During the enemy portion of the turn, the enemy will be conducting operations against the Navajo tribe. These operations could include: to subvert the natives (player), build outpost, build and subvert, raids (the enemy will try to send raids deep into the Navajo territory) and many other actions. The enemy receives their orders by a unique order matrix. As the player, you are never sure what will be coming next. Navajo Wars can be played as individual scenarios for the Spanish, Mexican and American periods. You can play all three periods as a campaign game.